Monday, January 28, 2008


We got some snow this weekend.  It started on Sunday morning and didn't stop until late that night.  It has snowed a few times earlier this year, but never this much and never for this long.  I finally got a chance to take Rian outside and play in the snow.

Here are some pictures I took while we were out getting cold.

The snow didn't have any problem sticking...

We had freezing rain the night before, creating a nice cold surface for the snow to stick to.

This little shrubbery didn't stand a chance.

Rian loves snowball fights... until the first snowball gets thrown at him :)

Between the freezing rain and the snow, icicles were everywhere.

These were on our trash can.

This one was hanging from our roof until it attacked me, provoked by a slight, accidental bump with an umbrella.

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