Monday, February 11, 2008

Going Home

It looks like they are going to let us go home. With the exception of some difficulties upgrading to 10.5.2, everything is going well.

A little while ago a nurse came in and pricked Ethan's foot to collect some blood samples. He cried like it hurt, and I'm sure it did, but after a few minutes he had fallen back to sleep, even as she was still collecting the blood. I remember Rian cried and cried when he had the same thing done when he was a baby, and it was very traumatic for everyone involved. This time it was a little easier.

The lady told me that she pricks a lot of babies (which in any other context would be a little alarming) and that about half of them throw a fit, while the other half respond more like Ethan did.

1 comment:

  1. Oh, those pictures are so sweet! I showed Eli & he keeps saying "baby" & then laughs like its a joke or something. :) He's so precious- makes the sleepless nights so worth it!
