Friday, February 3, 2012

Chemical Reactions

We really like our library. Wait, let me rephrase that, we freaking LOVE our library. At this moment we have 48 books and 9 dvds checked out. This is usually the norm in our house. However, sadly, we probably will end up returning some books unread....

Anyway, EIGHT of those dvds are Bill Nye The Science Guy videos. Remember him? I used to watch him on PBS growing up, thought he was pretty hilarious, and even learned a thing or two from his show. So when I saw one at the library a couple weeks back, I first squealed with delight (there may or may not have been a little happy dance) and then explained to two confused (slightly embarrassed) boys about how much I enjoyed his show growing up. We started with Space Exploration and The Moon. That's all it took and now, it's all Rian and Ethan want to watch. Ethan refers to it as, "watching Science."

A clip from our current fav:

Here are some of the things I've heard from my little scientists lately:

"I just love science!!" - Rian

"Hey mom, I'd really like some H2O. It's science." - Rian

"I want sodium chloride. That's salt, mommy." - Ethan

Walked into the kitchen to find Ethan shaking the dish soap container and then staring at the bubbles it made. The bottle was slightly open and I told him to stop doing that. (Bad mom moment, I know) He looked at me and sighed, "But, mommy, I'm just doing science!"

Caught Ethan jumping from couch to couch, shouting between jumps, "This table is a chemical reaction!" "This couch is a chemical reaction!" "That water is a chemical reaction!" "My friend Rian is a chemical reaction!" "Everyone is a chemical reaction!" "Chemicals react and isn't that COOL?"


  1. As usual, your kids are freakin' adorable. And clever. It's a good combination. It works for Stephen Colbert pretty well.

    My British roommate asked me if I ever watched Bill Nye the Science Guy as a kid. Apparently he had something of a following in the UK. Crazy!

    1. Cameron, you mentioning a similarity between my kids and Stephen Colbert makes me very happy. :)

      That is crazy!
