Friday, February 10, 2012

Ethan Jude turns 4

Four years ago today this little guy joined our family.

(OH MY GOSH, I want to snuggle this precious bundle!!! Looking at baby pictures is so addicting and I can't believe how FAST my boys are growing up! *sniff*)

A few things about this four year old:

-Ethan loves sports. He is obsessed with playing basketball right now and is a very intense dribbler and "donk" maker. He loves to run and is ACTIVE.

-He ADORES his big brother Rian. He talks constantly about "my friend Rian." A phrase we hear repeated over and over, "Hey, Rian..."

-He has a pair of black kid gloves and wears them all the time. Everywhere. He wears them to bed, when he eats (yes, I'm working on this one...), in the bathroom (again, working on this..), all the time. It's pretty cute.

-He loves Science and "doing science" by playing with water and cups.

-Ethan is enthusiastic and easily excitable. (I love this.)

-He loves being read to.

-He loves to be cuddled and is super snuggly.

-He is full of curiosity, usually starting and ending the day with questions.

-He has the most kissable face.

-Ethan is an intense little guy. He can be extremely difficult but on the other hand extremely loving.

-He is friendly.

-He is hilarious, incredibly silly and playful.

-His family loves him so much!!!

Happy Birthday, Ethan!

1 comment:

  1. My goodness, so cute. I never saw him when he was that size. What a little doll. I don't think it was until he was a few weeks (or even months) old that I first saw him. Even then he was pretty stinkin' cute.

    Remember that one time when I babysat while you and Eric went out for a date? "Oh yeah, I can handle this," I thought. Ten minutes after you guys pulled away, that kid was wailing. Then I was crying. It was Ryan that kept his act together and comforted us.

    He looks so big in that second picture! I can't believe it.

    Those strawberries in that photo look really good.
