Sunday, March 2, 2008

Long Night

I stayed up with Ethan tonight while Lacey slept. (I slept in really late on Saturday, so it all works out.) Lacey was telling me earlier about her system she has when changing Ethan's diapers to minimize the amount of time he is left exposed, since he has a tendency to pee right when you take the diaper off. I kind of dismissed it and told her I didn't think it was that big of a deal. After all, I told her, that hadn't happened to me in over a week.

In retrospect, I think she may be on to something.

I was changing Ethan's diaper around 3 am, cleaning up his little bottom, when a spout appeared. This has happened before--in fact it had happened a couple hours earlier as well--and what usually catches my attention first isn't the stream arcing from his little body, but the sound of the stream hitting something. This time it was a box of wipes sitting on the floor next to the changing table.

I used the wipe in my hand to minimize further damage, then grabbed another one to start cleaning up. Assuming he was done, I let my guard down, but then, wouldn't you know it, it happened again. This time it landed on the changing table and ran down toward him, pooling at his back.

He was pretty wet at this point. Most of his back was wet, and parts of his tummy. I think the first stream may have been running for a little while before I noticed it, because he was a lot wetter than I thought he could be from just the 2nd one by itself. So I wiped him down, but now I needed somewhere to set him so I could finish changing his diaper (I still hadn't finished cleaning up the original mess). The changing table was drenched, so I set him in the crib.

I turn around to get a wipe and pick up a clean diaper when... yeah, you know where this is going. He had done it again! Now the crib was wet!

From now on I'm going to listen to everything Lacey tells me as if it's straight from the mouth of God.

So what's up with the pictures of Ethan's feet? Well, it was a long night. We went through 4 or 5 diapers and 79 pictures. So you see, I had to post one or two, even if they're just of his feet.

Saturday, March 1, 2008

For the Babies

Lacey and I were talking a few months ago, after we had found out that she was pregnant, and I admitted that I wasn't crazy about newborns. My reasons were that they are kind of boring, kind of funny looking, and they don't really do much. You can't really have fun with a newborn. You can't even make them smile.

I've changed my mind.

While some of that is still true, Ethan is just a lot more fun than I thought he would be. His skin is so unbelievably soft, you just have to feel it to believe it. When I was taking these pictures I couldn't help but lean in and kiss him on the belly. His perfect little skin smells so clean and feels impossibly soft. Sometimes I just have to smother him with kisses, and the funny thing is he doesn't appreciate the affection at all. If anything, he finds it mildly annoying. But I love that about him. He just has a few very simple needs, and beyond that, everything else is largely ignored.

Alright, sorry for getting mushy. I've really got to stop posting late at night...