Thursday, September 25, 2008


Ethan's teeth are coming in! It's a good thing as he's been a little chew-crazy these days. Poor guy, he's just trying to get some relief from those aching gums. 

He's almost crawling. He gets up on his hands and knees and rocks back and forth but then does the army crawl thing to get around. It's so funny. He moves pretty fast for a little guy and if I head into another room he'll soon follow, protesting loudly about being left behind. 

I'm running a half-marathon this year. I had this big, lofty plan when I was still pregnant with Ethan that I was going to run a marathon within a year of having him. Ha. I obviously forgot about how hard it can be to find time or energy to do the dishes some days, much less run. (Oh wait, maybe that's just laziness...) I don't know what I was thinking. 
Anyway, I finally found a teammate (about a week ago) to run half of our area's big marathon with the last weekend in October. I'm really excited!

Rian's running in a kid's marathon. He's so funny. "Mommy, I love marathons." He runs everyday at school and they keep track and then I keep track of how much he runs here at home. The kids have two months to run 25 miles in half-mile increments and then on the 25th of October they participate in a 1.2 mile race. Rian is pretty excited. He calls it "my marathon". I asked him if he wanted to go for a walk/run the other day and he said no. I then asked him if he wanted to go running for his marathon and he jumped off the couch and got his shoes on. 

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Kids Say the Darndest Things

Rian says some of the funniest things. He can make me laugh almost as hard as Eric can. I love his little voice and hearing what he thinks about things. Lately though, I just get annoyed and frustrated that he never stops. Seriously, he doesn't. He even talks in his sleep. I'm really trying to work on being thankful for his talkativeness. The things he says are so precious and special. I'll be longing for it when he's a a teen and I'm dying to know what he's thinking about and the last person he wants to talk to is his mom. He's growing up so fast and I don't want to look back on this time with regret that I wasted so much time being an impatient or annoyed mommy.  

ANYWAY, here are some of the funny things he's said lately...

A friend watched Rian and Ethan so that Eric and I could go to the parent orientation at Rian's school. When I picked up my monkeys it was dark outside so I flicked on the headlights. Rian started giggling in the backseat. I asked him what he was laughing about and he said, "Mommy, why are you turning on those flashlights?"

Rian: "Mommy, are Coach Kelly and Coach Scott married?"
Me: "Nope. Coach Scott is married to Miss. Marci. Coach Scott and Coach Kelly are friends."
Rian (after thinking this over for a minute): "Mommy, I'm going to marry you."
Me: "Oh sweetie! That is so precious. I'm married to daddy."
Rian: "Oh yeah, I marry daddy too."
Me: "What about me?"
Rian (hugging himself and smiling): "Yes, we all married. Mommy, daddy and Rian."

I had a doctor's appointment and had to take Rian and Ethan with me. The nurse had come in to take my blood pressure so I was holding up my arm while she got the cuff ready. Rian, sitting in the chair next to me, suddenly became very interested in my arm. He stared at it for a few seconds and then poked it a couple times. 
Rian: "Mommy, why does your arm move?"
Me (starting to giggle and feeling my face turn red): "I don't have enough muscle so it jiggles."
Rian: "It's very jiggly."
Me: "Yup."
Rian pokes it again and then starts singing, "I like to move it, move it. I like to move it, move it. I like to MOVE IT!"
Guess it's time to start lifting some weights. 

Rian: "Ethan, no! Mommy! Oh no, Ethan is playing Brain Quest!"